
Upcoming CISM advanced courses on Multibody Dynamics

CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) in Udine, Italy, will be hosting two advanced courses on topics related to multibody dynamics. Profs. Paulo Flores and Christian Hesch will coordinate the course Contact Mechanics in Multibody Dynamics: from Modeling to Applications, on September 2 – 6. Moreover, Profs. Andreas Müller and Zdravko Terze will coordinate Computational and Geometric Mechanics of Discrete and Continuum Systems, on September 23 – 27.

IFToMM members get together and receive awards at MMT Symposium

The MMT Symposium was organized in Guimarães, Portugal, on June 26-28, 2024, to celebrate 60 years of the Mechanism and Machine Theory journal. During the event, Prof. Andrés Kecskeméthy received the Elsevier Career Award and Prof. Xinxin Yu was presented an honorable mention to the Best Theoretical Research.

Xinxin Yu appointed Secretary of the TC

The TC met during IMSD 2024 in Madison, WI (USA) and named Xinxin Yu, associate Professor at Tampere University (Finland), its new Secretary. The TC also expressed its gratitude to Prof. José Luis Escalona, from University of Seville (Spain), who held the position during the previous ten years.

The Seventh International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics – IMSD 2024

IMSD 2024 will be held on June 9-13, 2024 in Madison, WI (USA). Additional information can be found at the Conference website.