Solution for Uncontrolled bicycle
Submitted by Francisco González
Authors |
Francisco González |
Email | |
Accuracy |
0.000851 |
CPU time |
26.2 |
Intel Core-i7-4790K @ 4.00 GHz |
Operating System |
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) |
Method description |
MbsLab, revision 1080
Coordinates: natural, 3D
Equations of motion: index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation with projections of velocities and accelerations - nonholonomic variety
Integrator: trapezoidal rule
Solution: Newton-Raphson iteration. Maximum number of iterations: 2. Maximum admissible error: 1.E-3. Projection iterations: 1
Time step: 1.E-5 s (fixed)
Penalty factor: 1.E12
Programming language: C++ |
Results file |